
Micro Continuous Delivery

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HowTo configure the deployment steps?

The concrete deployment steps are usually project specific so you have to define them.

Plainion.CI uses FAKE to support customization of the build process.

Plainion.CI provides various helpers for GitHub and NuGet out of the box.

Deploying with FAKE

FAKE deployment scripts have to end with “.fsx”. To get started copy the following into your deployment script, e.g. “build\Targets.fsx”:

#r "/bin/Plainion.CI/Fake.Core.Target.dll"
#r "/bin/Plainion.CI/Fake.Core.Trace.dll"
#r "/bin/Plainion.CI/Fake.IO.FileSystem.dll"
#r "/bin/Plainion.CI/Fake.IO.Zip.dll"
#r "/bin/Plainion.CI/Plainion.CI.Tasks.dll"

open Fake.Core
open Fake.IO
open Fake.IO.FileSystemOperators
open Fake.IO.Globbing.Operators
open Plainion.CI

Target.create "CreatePackage" (fun _ ->
    !! ( outputPath </> "*.*Tests.*" )
    ++ ( outputPath </> "*nunit*" )
    ++ ( outputPath </> "*Moq*" )
    ++ ( outputPath </> "TestResult.xml" )
    ++ ( outputPath </> "**/*.pdb" )
    |> File.deleteAll


Target.create "Deploy" (fun _ ->
    let releaseDir = @"\bin\MyCoolProject"

    CleanDir releaseDir

    let zip = PZip.GetReleaseFile()
    Unzip releaseDir zip

Target.runOrDefault ""

Hint: Don’t forget to adjust the path in the first two lines to your Plainion.CI installation.

The script defines two targets. “CreatePackage” will delete “unwanted” files from your “bin” folder and then create a ZIP file under your “bin” folder. “Deploy” will take the created ZIP and deploy it under the specified “releaseDir”.

Publishing to GitHub

In order to create a new release on GitHub add the following code

Target.create "Publish" (fun _ ->
    let zip = PZip.GetReleaseFile()
    PGitHub.Release [ zip ]


Target.runOrDefault ""

Publishing to NuGet

In order to create a new release on NuGet change the “CreatePackage” target to

Target.Create "CreatePackage" (fun _ ->
    !! ( outputPath </> "*.*Tests.*" )
    ++ ( outputPath </> "*nunit*" )
    ++ ( outputPath </> "*Moq*" )
    ++ ( outputPath </> "TestResult.xml" )
    ++ ( outputPath </> "**/*.pdb" )
    |> File.deleteAll

        ( projectName + ".*", Some "lib/NET45", None)
    |> PNuGet.Pack (projectRoot </> "build" </> projectName + ".nuspec") (projectRoot </> "pkg")

The “PNuGet.Pack” task will also generate a proper NuGet package spec from your template. Therefore copy the following template under “build/.nuspec" and adjust it accordingly:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
      this is just a dummy template for testing
    <copyright>Copyright 2016</copyright>

Then add the following code

Target.Create "Publish" (fun _ ->
    PNuGet.PublishPackage projectName (projectRoot </> "pkg")


Target.runOrDefault ""

Hint: Publishing NuGet packages currently only works if you once followed the instructions here regarding APIKey and have stored your APIKey with “setApiKey”:

NuGet.exe setapikey <your api key> -source

Configuring the custom targets

Configure the created custom targets in the following way: